
An example of using caching in my ORM system

Caching queries in my ORM system can significantly improve application performance by reducing the load on the database by caching the results of frequent queries. This is especially useful for queries that are executed multiple times with the same parameters.

Enable caching

Before using caching, you need to activate it in the databaseManager. To do this, configure the cache parameter in your configuration:

const databaseManager = new DatabaseManager({
    cache: {
        type: "redis",

Example of using caching for the users table:

The first query is always cached, so it takes more time than usual (especially if no cache key is specified), but subsequent queries are read from the cache, providing better performance compared to regular queries.

  1. Executing a cached query:

    Initially, the query is executed and the result is stored in the cache with the key users_list. Subsequent queries with the same key will retrieve data from the cache, which speeds up performance.

const selectUsersQueryCached = await databaseManager.queryBuilder<Users[]>()
    .select(['user_id', 'username', 'email'])
    .orderBy('username', 'ASC')
    .cache({ ttl: 60000, key: 'users_list' });

In this example, the query is cached for 60 seconds (60000 milliseconds) with the key users_list.

  1. Caching without specifying a key:

    If you do not specify a key for caching, the system automatically generates one based on the query. This provides an easy way to cache without needing unique keys.

const selectUserQueryAutoCached = await databaseManager.queryBuilder<Users[]>()
    .select(['user_id', 'username', 'email'])
    .orderBy('user_id', 'ASC')
    .cache({ ttl: 60000 });

In this example, we cache users without specifying a caching key.

  1. Removing a key from the cache:

    If data in the users table has been changed and you need to update the cache, you can remove the key users_list:

await databaseManager.eventManager.cache.clearCache('users_list');

This method will remove the data cached under the key 'users_list'.

Caching Parameters

The caching configuration in databaseManager includes the following parameters:

cache?: {
    type: CacheType;
    options: CacheOptions;


Defines the type of cache supported, which in this case is 'redis'.


Options for connecting to Redis include:

  • url?: string — URL to the Redis server.

  • username?: string — Username for connecting to Redis.

  • password?: string — Password for connecting to Redis.

  • name?: string — Name of the Redis database.

  • database?: number — Number of the Redis database.

  • socket?: — Socket settings for connecting to Redis:

    • connectTimeout?: number — Connection timeout duration.

    • noDelay?: boolean — Disables delays in sending data.

    • keepAlive?: number | false — Settings for keeping the connection alive.

    • reconnectStrategy?: false | number | ((retries: number, cause: Error) => false | Error | number) — Reconnection strategy.

    • tls?: any — TLS settings for secure connection.

These parameters allow you to configure the connection to Redis according to your needs.

Query caching in my ORM helps effectively reduce database load and improve query execution speed. Configuring caching through Redis involves setting TTL and keys for storing results. There is also an option to cache without specifying a cache key. With clearly defined parameters for connecting to Redis, you can easily manage the cache and ensure optimal performance for your system.

Last updated